Saturday, September 25, 2010

"When Twitter's down, everyone Facebooks it. When Facebook's down, everyone Tweets it. When MySpace's down, no one cares."

After reading the assigned article, Pillaged MySpace Photos Show Up in Massive BitTorrent Download by Kevin Poulsen I decided to take a look at MySpace. Well, MySpace today hasn't changed much since the last time I vaguely remember signing in, which would have been sometime around 2004-2005 or my middle school years, it just looked modernized. Although, some things that have changed are the large amounts of space used for advertising, or the new bar on the side for links or personal MySpace's that are trending.  But one thing I did notice is that MySpace, without being able to sign in, has not changed their layout or design. In comparison to Facebook that changes it's layout and design almost too much that it kind of gets annoying to many of the users.  I also find it annoying, but also do understand why they go about updating and cleaning the look of Facebook. While both of these sites are very different, they both have their issues. As discussed in the article, MySpace had a privacy leak causing many problems in 2008. "A 17-gigabyte file purporting to contain more than half a million images lifted from private MySpace profiles has shown up on BitTorrent, potentially making it the biggest privacy breach yet on the top social networking site." Earlier this week Facebook's server went down for about 3 hours on Thursday, causing many to turn to "Twitter to share the news, complain and get their fix of social networking" said  Craig Kanalley from The Huffington PostThe title to this post was on of the tweets I found and here are many more funny tweets mentioned in this post. I highly recommend you check them out on the second link below. 

Links to the articles mentioned in this post:
Pillaged MySpace photos Show up in Massive BitTorrent Download
Facebook Down Tweets: The Snappiest Twitter Reactions

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